Monday, November 4, 2019

Summary & Critical Response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Summary & Critical Response - Essay Example rein some of the key findings stated that while teenagers may learn new skills at work, there is only little attention given in terms of the amount of time provided for acquiring a skill, or what significance it contributes. Another study found that those students who did part time job while in school could reduce the unemployment rate; however, this implies that many of those who started working in fast food chains eventually stopped their schooling and end up in â€Å"low-skill jobs.† Etzioni concludes that youngsters should balance their needs and other endeavors, but education must be their utmost priority. The discussion of the arguments presented in the article, â€Å"Working at McDonald’s,† by Amitai Etzioni is highly persuasive as the author supported and justified his arguments on practical grounds as manifested in the real setting. He cited similar studies to bring out factual information, although the discussion is limited in the context of the American culture. However, he further justified that there are various differences in work culture from one place to another; this is clear enough to say that some cases may not be true, or are only partially true in other cultures. From the tone of the language he used, it can be implied that he sympathizes with the present real experience of the youngsters today such that he considered how their values formation, as well as their character as individuals, could be affected if they are being hooked up from the influence of working in fast food chains. In addition, he emphasized that parents should not forget about their lifelong commitment and responsibility towards their children. They should not always consider that teen employment is educational but rather something like an activity that can provide a better opportunity for education and work. At the same time, it should consider that such activity can also be abusive. Finally, his persuasive discussion supported the validity of his arguments such that his

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