Tuesday, December 31, 2019
The Tragic Hero Of Shakespeare s Hamlet - 1599 Words
Rachel Conley Mr. David Rasnake English 1020 November 10, 2015 Paper 3~ Tragic Hero What is tragedy? What makes someone or something a tragic hero? A tragedy is â€Å"A serious drama typically describing a conflict between the protagonist and a superior face and having a sorrowful or disastrous conclusion elicits the pity or terror†(Merriam-Webster). Tragedy can be a good or a bad thing in life. Also, depending on what the tragedy is, it should have a powerful impact on our lives. A tragedy can change someone into being a better person or for the worse. I have faced some tragedies in my life, but I didn’t dwell on what happened instead I changed it into a positive out look on life and it has made me a different person and makes me want to do better in life each day. I believe that Hamlet was the best to achieve being a Tragic Hero than Oedipus did; because of the way he handled his tragedy. William Shakespeare’s play â€Å"Hamlet†was a very good poem. I, personally, love reading play and poems from Shakespeare. I have always wanted to read Hamlet and after reading it through this class I absolutely loved it. It was a very impressive poem, by the way it was written and set up. The play Hamlet was a Greek Tragedy. Greek Tragedy means â€Å"a play in which the protagonist, usually a man of importance and outstanding personal qualities, falls to disaster through the combination of a personal falling and circumstances with which he cannot deal†(Collins English Dictionary). Hamlet isShow MoreRelatedThe Tragic Hero Of Shakespeare s Hamlet1513 Words  | 7 Pages[insert introduction here] Macbeth and Hamlet are both tragic heroes whose fall from greatness disturbs the order of their kingdoms. A tragic hero is a character, one of high esteem, whose internal imperfection leads to their downfall. Both Macbeth and Hamlet are well known and of high social class when an unexpected calamity hits. 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